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Tips For Keeping Your Brain Healthy

Tips For Keeping Your Brain Healthy

May 29, 2018
It’s true that as we age, our brain changes. Did you know the human brain shrinks in size about 5 percent per decade after age 40? But this does not mean we are doomed to a steady decline in cognition. There are many influences on the ageing brain: genetics, biological, and environmental factors all influence…
Protection Tips For Those With Lupus

Protection Tips For Those With Lupus

May 22, 2018
A common side effect of lupus is that it can cause your skin to become photosensitive, or sensitive to sunlight. Skin rashes can develop in combination with other symptoms, like joint pain and fatigue. Therefore, those with lupus should avoid exposure to the sun. Living in Florida, that can be difficult. Here are some precautions…
5 Signs You May Have Cataract

5 Signs You May Have Cataract

May 8, 2018
A common issue faced during the aging process is a gradual decline of vision, which is often due to clouding of the lens inside the eye, known as cataract. This lens is the same one that starts to stiffen in your 40s, requiring bifocals due to worsening near vision. Although symptoms of cataract may be…