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Whoever said “laughter is the best medicine” wasn’t lying.

Laughing is a great way to boost immunity, increase energy, relieve pain and reduce stress. This, in turn, can help prevent a number of diseases and provide relief from physical and emotional pain.

Since April is National Humor Month, now is a good time for some simple reminders of how to bring more laughter into your life:


* Laugh at situations rather than complain about them – Problems and stress are staples of life, but approaching difficult times with a sense of humor can change your perspective and the mood of those around you. Sometimes the only control you have over a situation to whether to laugh or cry. Choose what’s best for you.


* Surround yourself with playful people – Laughter is contagious.  One of the best ways to laugh more is to spend time with entertaining people who routinely find the humor in everyday events.


* Pay attention to children and emulate them -Children are the experts on playing, taking life lightly and laughing. In fact, children laugh more than 300 times a day, whereas adults laugh less than 20 times a day. If you need a good laugh, hang out with a kid.


* Make time for humor – Whether it’s watching a funny movie with loved ones or reading a positive book, make time for fun and laughter at least once a week. This will enhance your quality of life and improve your happiness immensely.


Happiness, fun and laughter can be found in the most common places. Having an optimistic outlook on life is one of the easiest ways to improve your physical and emotional health…and enjoy life to the fullest.

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