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Last week the CDC released an awakening report that showed that 35 percent of adults in the U.S. don’t get the recommended seven hours of sleep. Shocking? Probably not.

Over the years, it seems as if sleep has changed from a necessity to a luxury. We often forget that our bodies need sleep. Not only does lack of sleep make you feel sluggish, it can contribute to other health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke.

Make sleep a priority and set aside a bedtime and a wake time and try your best to stick to it, even on the weekends. This sets your “sleep clock” and helps you get the most benefits from your zzz’s.

Have trouble falling asleep? The National Sleep Foundation offers suggestions on ways to make your bedroom more sleep conducive:

  1. Remove all gadgets from your bedroom, this includes your phone and TV.
  2. Make your bedroom a cool, dark and relaxing environment.
  3. Don’t read, work or eat in bed. You want to train your brain that when your head hits the pillow, it is time to sleep.

If you continue to have sleep difficulties, try keeping a sleep diary for at least 10 days and show it to your doctor. There is a template available at . This will help your doctor determine if a larger sleep issue may be at hand.

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