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E-Cigs Continue Igniting Debate

E-Cigs Continue Igniting Debate

March 11, 2015
Electronic cigarettes, also called e-cigarettes, have made their way into the hands of smokers of all ages. These battery-operated devices turn chemicals, including highly-addictive nicotine, into an aerosol that is inhaled by users. As its popularity rises, so do questions about its impact on public health. There are countless debates among health experts who share…
Back to Basics for Good Nutrition and Health

Back to Basics for Good Nutrition and Health

February 17, 2015
Medical evidence suggests that 50 to 75 percent of suffering can be eliminated with a healthy diet. In fact, good nutrition can help those suffering with diseases like arthritis, boost your overall mood and outlook on life, and even improve your quality of sleep. However, there’s so much conflicting information about food that it’s hard…
Super Foods for Super Health

Super Foods for Super Health

February 3, 2015
While food provides essential nutrients for the body-from fats and proteins to vitamins and minerals-not all food is created equally. Today there is a lot of talk about “super foods,” which is essentially a marketing term for a category of food that provides extraordinary benefits when consumed as part of a balanced diet. Research is…
Strengthening Your Willpower to Change

Strengthening Your Willpower to Change

February 2, 2015
Why do some people succeed at making healthy behavioral changes like losing weight and lowering cholesterol, while others struggle and relapse time after time?  The answer might lie in their willpower. “Willpower is like a muscle. However, it can be fatigued through use,” said Barbara Fritzsche, Ph.D., associate professor in the UCF Department of Psychology.…
Reduce Your Stress Through Meditation

Reduce Your Stress Through Meditation

January 22, 2015
If the stress of 2015 is already getting the best of you, now may be a good time to give meditation a whirl. The practice of meditation has been around for centuries as a way to enhance health and wellness, but there is emerging scientific evidence that meditation can impact a number of clinical conditions…