Keep Your Favorite Jeans Fitting After The Holidays
December 1, 2015
Thanksgiving marks the start of the busy holiday season, full of parties, food, and for many, alcohol. To avoid poor health during this time, it helps to keep in mind why we get together in the first place: to celebrate the season. Indulge in the love of family, sharing stories with friends and making plans…
Giving Thanks is Good for Your Health
November 24, 2015
Research has shown that the act of giving thanks has a positive effect on your health. People who count their blessings are more likely to: * Have higher self-esteem * Have stronger relationships * Get better sleep * Have a stronger immune system * Have better physical health because grateful people exercise more, have…
Helping Prevent Illness This Cold And Flu Season
November 17, 2015
Everyone is getting into the sharing spirit, but one thing you don’t want to share are your germs. Most viruses spread from person to person through droplets, such as when a person coughs or sneezes. Viruses also spread by touching a surface that is contaminated with these droplets and then touching your eyes, nose or…
Concerned About Food Safety?
November 10, 2015
Each year, 1 in 6 Americans gets sick from eating contaminated foods and beverages and the latest E. coli outbreak linked to a chain restaurant on the West Coast has people questioning the safety of their food. While the American food supply is among the safest in the world, the Centers for Disease Control estimate…
A Key To Health This Season: Get A Flu Shot
October 27, 2015
The cooler months ahead may be the most wonderful time of the year, but they’re also cold and flu season. And the best protection against the flu is getting a yearly flu shot. Doing so reduces the chances you’ll get the flu and spread it to others. And while you probably don’t want to…
Be Smart About Antibiotics
October 20, 2015
Fall and the school year can bring an increase in colds and other respiratory ills for you and your kids. And when someone in the family is sick, it’s easy to call the doctor and beg for antibiotics. But beware. Every bug doesn’t need an antibiotic. In fact, the overuse and improper use of antibiotics…