Why Knowing Your Blood Cholesterol Is Important
July 19, 2016
Heart disease is the number one killer in our country and one of the major risk factors for heart disease is high blood cholesterol. The only way to know your cholesterol levels is to have your blood checked every five years, starting at age 20. That’s because high blood cholesterol usually doesn’t have any signs…
Why Women Are More Prone to Bladder Control Issues
July 12, 2016
Urinary incontinence is a topic that most women shy away from talking about. But we shouldn’t. Almost half of all women in the U.S. will experience some degree of urinary incontinence. There is no reason to endure in silence. With multiple treatment options, it is possible to restore your bladder function. Women are especially prone…
What Your Tongue Says About Your Health
July 5, 2016
When your doctor asks you to, “Say ahh,” you may assume he or she is just looking down your throat. That’s true but the physician may also be examining the health of your tongue. Examining the tongue for cues into overall health is an ancient practice dating back over 1,000 years ago in Chinese medicine.…
Age to Start Colon Cancer Screening
June 28, 2016
There is a reason why doctors stress the importance of starting colon cancer screening at age 50. Early detection makes a huge difference. Sadly, too many people ignore the importance of this life-saving screening either because they figure they are too young or because they don’t have any symptoms. However, over the last two…
How to Support Those Dealing with Traumatic Events
June 21, 2016
This past week has been challenging for everyone in our community. The effect of these tragic events will continue to linger and affect people in different ways. It is important to understand that most people will recover from traumatic events on their own in a healthy way. Trouble sleeping, nightmares and lack of appetite are…
Itchy Legs and Other Strange Side Effects When You Workout
June 14, 2016
If you’ve been inactive for a while or start a new exercise routine, you may notice some strange things happening in your body. These are generally not signs of injury – they’re a sign of your body adjusting to being more active. And while they may feel strange, they should not deter you from working…