Preventing Falls
February 28, 2017
More than one in three people age 65 or older falls each year. That amounts to about 1.6 million emergency room visits from older adults who sustain fall-related injuries. Though it may seem as if falls just happen, there are things you can do to reduce your loved one’s risk of falling and sustaining injuries…
What Health Screenings You Should Be Doing At Different Ages
February 21, 2017
Most of us put off going to the doctor until something is wrong. However, there are some simple screenings that can ward off, or at least detect early, health conditions that can have a big impact on your life. Use this list below to see if you are overdue for a visit to your primary…
How to Find Reliable Health Information Online
February 15, 2017
We’ve all done it, you have pain or a symptom that you’re concerned about and the easiest resource to go to is at your fingertips- Dr. Google. The internet has so much information it’s difficult to know what to trust. What Websites Can You Trust? Sites that end in .gov like or…
Why You Should Review Your Medication List With Your Doctor
February 7, 2017
If it’s been more than a year since you sat down with your doctor to review the medications and supplements you’re taking, schedule a checkup. It’s important to see if the medicine is working as intended and if you still need to take it, or if adjustments are needed. Checkups also allow you to…
Learn How to Spot Hidden Salt
January 31, 2017
Studies have shown that limiting salt intake can lower your blood pressure, which reduces your risk of stroke, heart failure and other health problems. Dr. Virgil Dawson, who practices family medicine at UCF Health, says that while our bodies need sodium to function properly, most people have about four times the recommended amount of sodium…
Three Myths About Sleep Aids
January 25, 2017
Sleep plays a vital role in your health and overall quality of life. The amount of sleep you get can impact your relationships, job performance and overall happiness. Insomnia is fairly common. Nearly 50 percent of Americans report occasional insomnia, and almost 20 percent struggle with it every night. In our quest for some shut-eye,…